EXPOSICION "Pandora" y "Si,soy un prim".
En primer lugar agradecer a Elisa la invitación para exponer en La Morada de Campanilla.
Esta colección consiste en un resumen/mezcla de dos exhibiciones anteriores: "Pandora" y "Si,soy un prim".
"Pandora" realza en esencia las facultades creativas del ser humano, alejando las influencias negativas que muchas veces disminuyen nuestra creatividad en favor de los convencionalismos, mientras que, "Si,soy un prim" pretende abrir la puerta a ese mismo mundo de ilusión y creatividad comenzando...por poner un prim en el suelo .
Tanto una como la otra son comunes en que no una misma línea forma el todo si no que pequeñas y diferentes partes forman el conjunto.
Como en cada exposición me gusta que sea el propio visitante quien otrogue su propio significado a lo que vea y simplemente... disfrute siendo partícipe de todo.
***Pandora/Yes, i'm a prim***
thank you so much to Elisa for open doors of La Morada de Campanilla and make here my exhibition.
This collection its a mixer between two previous exhibitions: "Pandora" and "Yes,i'm a prim".
"Pandora" enhance in esence the creative human capabilities away from negative influences that much times decrease our creativity fault conventionalism... on the other hand, "Yes,i'm a prim" open door to illusion and imagination starting for rezz one prim on the floor.
Both collections are common in one factor: not a same style make all... each diferent picture do that all.
Like in each exhibition i like that visitor give his own mean for all and just... enjoy and interact.
MORLITA Quan Biography .
MORLITA Quan was born on Galicia (Spain).
Studied advertising, Protocol and Public Relations.
From 16 years old produces music and works with visual arts for different organizations focusing on the field of art and adding different fields as theater, photography, music and graphic design and painting.
In Sl MORLITA Quan was born in 2008:
DJ and 3D artist, begins 3-dimensional presentations for museums as Karura Art Centre, Diotima, OrcCafe, the home of Tinker Bell, Metales Per4mance or Paradise of fantasies.
In the latter year he participated in the creation of "Invisible cities" in LEA, Pirats, 1 +1 Art and for Relay for life events..